메쉬 의자

메쉬 의자

홈페이지 / 제품 / 메쉬 의자

고품질 편안한 임원용 가구 컴퓨터 디자이너 회전식 리클라이너 인체공학적 패브릭 사무실 의자, 발판 포함

- 제품명 : 인체공학적 임원용 사무실 의자
- 제품번호 : 630A
- 프레임 : 블랙/화이트
- 머리받침 : 조절 가능
- 암레스트 : PU암레스트
- 메쉬 : KF-04 시리즈 탄성 메쉬 또는 주문 제작
- 요추 지지대 : 조절 가능
- 좌석쿠션 : 몰드폼

  • 전체적인 설명
  • 관련 제품
제품 설명

제품 이름
인체공학적 임원 사무실 의자
제품 번호
조절 가능
KF-04 시리즈 탄성 메시 또는 맞춤형
조절 가능
좌석 쿠션
메커니즘: 더블 핸들이 있는 다기능 메커니즘(모든 각도에서 잠금 가능)
가스 요금
셰치앙 3단 가스 리프트
350mm 알루미늄 합금베이스
60MM PU 캐스터
포장 크기

상세한 이미지

High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest details
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest details
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest details
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest factory
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest factory
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest details
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest factory
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest factory
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest supplier
High Quality Comfortable Executive Furniture Computer Designer Swivel Recliner Ergonomic Fabric Office Chair with footrest manufacture


1. 우리 는 누구 입니까?
우리는 중국 광동에 본사를 두고 있으며, 2013년부터 시작하여 국내 시장(70.00%), 북미(10.00%), 동남아시아(6.00%), 중동(6.00%), 남미(4.00%), 동유럽(4.00%)에 판매합니다. 우리 사무실에는 총 101-200명이 있습니다.

2. 품질을 어떻게 보장 할 수 있습니까?
항상 대량 생산 전에 사전 생산 샘플을
운송 전에 항상 최종 검사

3.우리한테서 뭘 사시죠?
가죽 의자, 메쉬 의자, 트레이닝 의자, 소파

4. 왜 다른 공급자로부터 구매하지 않고 우리로부터 구매해야합니까?
보케 가구(HUASHI 사무용 의자)는 18년 역사의 브랜드로, 18년간 지속적으로 개발해 왔으며, 현재는 우수한 사무용 의자 제조 전문 기업입니다.

5. 우리 는 어떤 봉사 를 할 수 있습니까?
납품 조건: fob,exw
용납된 지불 통화:USD,EUR,HKD,Cny
허용되는 지불 유형: T/T, MoneyGram, Western Union, 현금

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